SEO Basics: Google Rankings and Their Importance to Web Marketing

Many website owners do not know how to determine how high or how low their page comes up on Google even if they know that this is quite important. To determine your rank, it is recommended that you check out your website ranking on Google. This will help you see how far you’ve come in the last few months or even years.

google ranking
Think you could do with an elevated ranking? Read on to know more about this method of enhancing your web marketing:

What is it really?

The definition of Google website ranking is very simple. It is the rank or position of your website on Google. Unlike other search engines, optimizing your website is a way to get a higher rank in Google. You do not have to pay for anything to get to the top of the results page because you just have to trust organic searches to the top. The more experienced you are and the more well-planned your strategy is, the higher your Google site ranking will be.

How to Enhance your Website’s Content

Back when the internet was not as developed as it is today, search engines were unable to determine which articles had keyword stuffing. Today, however, stuffing your article with keywords will no longer help you with your ranking. Keyword stuffing is the act of repeating one or two (or more) keywords many times just to rank higher on search pages, without regard to the contents of the article.
According to experts, the key here is to make sure the necessary keywords are included in complex sentences that actually make sense. If you aren’t so keen in this area, you can always hire a renowned Davao based outsourcing company for this task.

Other Tools and Methods

Besides using the right keywords and placing them in proper places, there are other tools or methods you can use to rank higher than your competition. This can be done by contacting reliable Davao based outsourcing company to enhance your site’s link building.

web marketing
One method is to link high-quality websites. There is no software that can do this for you, so you would have to do it manually or with the help of Davao’s best outsourcing office.

But do not despair, because there is one thing you can do. You can improve your website by contacting a professional Davao best outsourcing office and firms today. There are SEO professionals who can give you sound advice on how to make your website Google ranking to improve.

Writing for Web the Right Way

Web writing, compared to other forms of writing, requires a unique approach as you have to keep readers interested as well as make sure they gain something from the material.

It’s easy to get carried away and veer off to one side of the spectrum; sometimes the writing may get too fun and casual, and the reader is drawn away from the point of the article, and other times, the writing may get too formal and technical, boring the reader away.

As difficult as it may seem to achieve a balance, there are ways to help achieve it, they’re pretty simple.

It Should Be Easy to Read


Readability is paramount, so it would be wise to stay away from heavy words and generally unfamiliar acronyms. This also entails sticking to one point per paragraph.

Ensuring that your articles and posts maintain an an upbeat and active voice helps to hold attention as well as help the reader play out the text in their minds and absorb the information easier. Additionally, it helps keep the yawns away. It is, after all, a website and not an encyclopedia.

It Should Be Easy to Navigate

Another thing you can do to keep things more reader-friendly is to put your material in sections with headers effectively summarizing your point. This not only helps ensure that you stick to one point per paragraph, but also makes it easier for the reader to see the main points of the article or post.

If the reader sees what the article is going to talk about, they’ll be able to better gauge their interest in the article. If they see that it’s something they are interested in, they’re sure to stay and finish it, and if they’re not, you will at least have at have gotten to present your point.

It Should Be as Concise as Possible


In relation to the two previous points on making sure the material is web audience-friendly, it’s another important pointer to keep material as short as possible (without impeding information, of course).

In addition to complicated words and digression, one big turn-off for web audiences is articles that seem to go on forever. The reader most likely went to your page for some quick answers to their concerns, and that’s what you should provide them, not a five paragraph essay on the background of your product, you can save that for a separate page.

It Should Sound as Natural as Possible

Make sure the reader knows that you, a fellow human being, wrote that text, not some generator bot. Remember that consumers nowadays are more responsive to human and personalized content, so keep things natural-sounding, like you’re speaking to someone from just another person’s point of view.

With that in mind, don’t randomly place links on the page that sound suspicious (i.e. “Click me”), it’s better to place links within the text. If happen to mention the service or a benefit of the product, then place the link there.

It Should Be Search Engine Optimized


This is a more technical (but still vital) aspect of web writing: making sure your content is written with the concept of how search engines are utilized in mind.

Strategically placing popular keywords within the content is particularly vital, and pays off big when done right as it helps boost your search engine result ranking organically, helping you earn the trust of potential customers.

Know that successful content writing for websites doesn’t have to be difficult, provided that you have the right people working on it.

For local businesses, it’s a good idea to outsource web writing needs to a reliable copywriting service in Davao. Not only are your web content needs taken care of, but they can also be incorporated into a larger online campaign with social media to help boost your presence.

Why Isn’t Your Web Content Working?

Web writing, like any other type of writing, is prone to pitfalls that prevents a piece from inspiring others. Whether the goal is to intrigue the reader, anger them, make them laugh, or make them do business with you, there are measures one can take to ensure its effectiveness.

Writing requries you to accomodate hundreds or thousands of different tastes. While you may not be able to attend to each of those, you can rid your content of universal turn-offs. This will help it better reach your all of your potential customers.

With that, here some web content mistakes that you should avoid.



You Don’t Make Room for Improvement

Every writer knows growth is important, no matter what your genre of writing is. There is always a better way to write, and adjustments are a necessary evil. The worst mistake you can do is not recognize its weak points. Whether it’s the structure, the content itself, or the grammar, you have to note them all.

How many times have you read an article or post that was full of good ideas, but had tons of grammatical errors? You couldn’t help but cringe, right? That’s just one of the sad endings your posts will be a victim of if you deny your content the help it needs.

Writing prompts to aid writer’s block, tools for better phrasing, and a good proofreader can all make the difference for readability. It’s never a good idea to refrain from revision.

You Fail to Cite Reliable Sources


If your business involves a lot of technical terms, processes and facts, it’s essential that you include the sources of your information. Do you run a chiropractic treatment business and post articles about its benefits? Given that you didn’t make those facts up for the sake of persuading your readers, remember to put your sources, even if it’s at the end of the piece.

The internet is swarming with fake news, click bait, and just plain unreliable material. Aside from the fact that it’s a basic no-no in any writing community, it’s a great turn-off for today’s market.

Note that today’s audiences seek authenticity in the businesses they patronize. To build that trust with your customers, accurate fact checks and updated information will go a long way.



You Try to Do It All by Yourself

Writing requires careful attention, time, and effort if you want something effective. For someone who’s busy running a business, there’s a great chance you’ll sacrifice the quality if you try to do everything on your own.

A lot of politicians, big business owners, and even celebrities have people to do their writing for them. Their speeches and public announcements are always written the best way possible. This is because they leave it to experienced writers who are good at their craft.

With that, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t be afraid to outsource your writing tasks too. Getting qualified people to do web writing services for your business seems costly and intimidating. In reality, it’s as accessible as any other service your business may need.

Your website’s content is a vital point in convincing your potential customers to build a relationship with you. Make the most of it and outsource your writing needs to a reliable web writing team today.

What Does Web Writing Have to Do With SEO?

web-writingSuccessful search engine optimization relies heavily on content. Aside from dictating the quality of your site as a whole, good website writing, as Search Engine Land puts it, is a solid foundation for all other optimization efforts.

Why Exactly does Content Matter in SEO?

It Sets you Apart

We live in a time where almost nothing can be considered original anymore, especially when it comes to trade.

For most businesses, whatever one is selling or may offer services in, chances are, there are at least three other companies within a mile’s radius offering the same. This is where the importance of how you sell something that’s already out there comes in.

You can’t deny the existence of these other options, so the best step is to make sure your offer stands out. You have to get customers to choose your ad from the others. What better way to do this than through words?

With creativity and wit, the most common items are possible success mines. All it takes is for you to keep your customer on your page for that few extra seconds, which is very much possible with a little humor or excitement.

Keywords are Everything

On a more technical note, keywords ultimately dictate whether your page shows up on results.

You have to know what a typical customer might type into that search box, and adjust your keywords accordingly.

It’s also important to note that you can’t just splash keywords all over the paragraph, that’d make you sound spammy and plain suspicious. You have to be able to incorporate those words into your copy and make it sound as natural as possible.

Keeps Things Fresh

Search engines, Google in particular, has this Query Deserved Freshness feature that updates results whenever there’s a big event or big news on the subject of the search.

If you Google ‘tank’ for example, on a regular day, you’ll be greeted by several results on what tanks are or by sites selling tanks. If you search that on, say, a day when a war is launched, you’ll probably get greeted by news on tanks attacking this and that area for the next few days or weeks.

With this, it’s important that copy creators ride on this feature to make sure that the keywords they include go with whatever big event or news is going on so that they’ll be included in the “fresher” results (given that your company’s relevant to that event or news, of course).

Vertical Search Results

Search results don’t just display sites, they also display news, images, videos, and even maps related to your search. These vertical search results allow for content that might have not made it as sites to still make it to search results.

Companies can take advantage of this “second chance” by producing content in these areas as well. A good video or infographic, maybe, could mean a world of difference for your visibility.

online-marketingDirect Answers

By providing your site with interesting, and more importantly, reliable content, you effectively build trust with your site.

When this happens, your content will become a direct answer, or will pop out under the search bar when someone searches for something that your content may be answering.
While this may seem like Google is stealing your traffic from you, research shows that it actually drives in traffic.

Aside from traffic, the fact that Google lists your content as a direct answer will make your page appear more reliable, making people more likely to click on your ad.

Content clearly has a crucial role to play in the success of a site, which is why before engaging in other SEO efforts, your search engine optimization service provider should also make sure that the content, aka the foundation, is well made and well laid out.

3 Fatal Mistakes in Web Writing

Writing for the web is different from writing in your journal or writing a novel. Professional web writing service providers know this. Aspiring authors who are stuck in a content-writing job to make ends meet have an edge on creativity but the internet cares more about relevance more than any other criteria. Here are the mistakes to be avoided at all cost:

1. Too Much Creativity

Writing for the web is about business. I’m not just talking about making profit, but also attracting people to put up with your content. When people browse through the internet, they’re not looking to read a novel (unless that is the actual keyword they used). They’re looking to find relevant content about something that concerns them. So cut the long anecdotes and be direct to the point.

Don’t overcomplicate your sentences as well. Nobody cares if you know how to use “jubilant” in a sentence. Stick to simplicity. You’re competing with people’s attention span and they don’t usually have the patience for pages that beat around the bush. You’re writing for lazy people so use common terms. Not only for your audience’s sake, but for the sake of your search engine rankings as well. No matter how creative you are, if Google doesn’t pick up your important keywords, no one’s going to visit your page because they don’t rank in the search results.

2. No Visuals

Viewing a website is essentially a visual experience. That’s why web developers obsess over the design of a website up the smallest elements like icons and buttons. When it comes to blog posts and other individual pages, especially for text-heavy ones, it’s important to break the monotony with images or illustrations that complement your content.
Business-wise, this is an obvious advice because people aren’t likely to trust just wordy descriptions of what you’re selling. Of course you also need to incorporate pictures of your product, or maybe the location of your business if you’re trying to get people to visit the place.

3. Inconsistent Quality

Consistency is key, especially for web content. Remember, your visitors can land in any of your webpages. You have to make sure every post will encourage the readers to stay and read more pages. It’s also quite discouraging for the audience to jump from a well-written and informative blog post to a mediocre and misinforming article on the next page.

If you’re not confident about writing for your website on your own, hiring an agency that specializes in website content writing services is a wise choice.